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I'm Not Enough

I'm Not Enough

These words circle in my head more than I like to admit. I can say it happens less than it used to, but there are still days where I have to really fight against believing them.

I’m thinking them right now- and that is what led me to write this.

You ARE enough. In moments like these, I take these steps to give myself a better mindset:

1) Pray. First and foremost, I pray to Jesus. I am the first to admit my faith is very personal to me, and I don’t spend enough time in prayer with our creator. I will say though- having faith has done nothing but positive things in my life. Faith brings comfort and reminds us that we are living for a higher purpose. I have a lot of friends and family who don’t believe in God and to each his own- but I do and I am happiest when I believe.

2) I head straight to Pinterest after a quick prayer. I tend to isolate my creative brain and force it to pump out content all on my own- when I should be drawing inspiration from outside sources as well. Pinterest is such a fun platform because it is so visual and aesthetic if you save the right things. They also have so many inspiring and motivating quotes- here is my board that I visit for my own motivating quotes! 

3) Write it out! I usually go straight to a notebook after this. I do “brain dumping” and it does SO much good for my anxiety. Any thoughts I have I just write them and don’t worry about any of it making sense or being organized.

4) Law of Attraction- I have been practicing some aspects of LOA for about a year now, since I first found out what the heck it is. And it has changed my life. I have gotten in the habit (thankfully) of when I think a self-doubting or negative thought, I immediately notice it and turn it into something positive in my head. If I’m thinking “I don’t know why I’m even trying. There’s so many other influencers who have more time than I do and I’m not anything special anyways” I think, “I have so much to offer these followers. I am using all of my available time to work on content creation and I’m doing a great job. I deserve this the same as anyone else, and I will be living my dream soon enough.”

Is that not POWERFUL?! After writing that out or saying it to myself over and over out loud (or in my head at the office), I feel uplifted immediately. I choose to keep focusing on THAT thought, over my negative thoughts. It takes practice, but the important thing is to not self doubt after. Pretend that you ACTUALLY think that about yourself and stick to that feeling. That is how law of attraction works. You must actually believe it (even if you’re faking it, pretend like you’re not faking it).

5) Stay in my lane. As a content creator, I am constantly engaging on other bloggers’ posts. This can sometimes be inspiring, but more often than not, it leads me down a comparison rabbit hole where I start thinking I’m not good enough or as good. That is usually when these thoughts start happening, so I do exactly this- I work on my own content, pin my own Pinterest boards, or just take a relaxing bath and focus on my self care.

I hope you know that you are enough. You are the only one who can decide if you are enough. So I hope you take these steps, just like I often have to, and get YOURSELF out of this worm hole because you are the only one who can truly change your mindset.

xoxo, jess

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