The Jess Tayls

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Weekly Happening- August 31

Productivity Tip of the Week

It takes 66 days to build a habit, on average, according to the book I’ve been loving in the “books I’m loving” section of this post. The book talks about how so many people reference that it only takes 21 days to build a habit, but personally, from experience, I know that it takes longer for me! If there’s something you want to make a habit- like going on a mile walk a day, or making your bed every day, or working out- try it for 66 days and remember that it only takes a large amount of discipline and effort for those days. Once you’ve made it a habit, it doesn’t take the same amount of discipline and effort. That’s what’s motivating me to make new habits! I talked about the Habit app I downloaded for free on my phone in last week’s Weekly Happening post and it’s been so fun to keep track of what I’m doing every day and to hold myself accountable.

Motivational/Inspirational Message of the Week

You never know what the universe and the future hold for you. Even when you think you are stuck doing the same thing every day, that is not true if you don’t want it to be. A book that changed my life is “Ask and It Is Given” by Abraham Hicks. Woo-woo as heck, but honestly it makes SO much sense and I have seen it work first hand in my own life. If you want to change something about your life, you have the power to do so. Don’t let your own excuses or life experiences stop you from having the life you want.

Jewelry of the Week

I have worn these pieces the most this week. For the Kendra Scott earrings, I have been wearing them without the shell attached. The shell and the pearl are charms that you can take off of the hoops, meaning they are basically 3 earrings in one! I wore the 3-stud crawler earrings in my cartilage piercing. I love to wear them when my hair is back in a claw clip because you can really see it!

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Outfit Favorites of the Week

Not quite sure how many weeks I’ve included this dress, but the All Yours Tee dress from Lululemon is literally my most worn item in my closet. I love wearing it with my John sneakers from P448. I have the dress in a spiced chai color which is sold out, but black is definitely on my list of things I want! If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’ve been purging my entire closet and it has felt AMAZING. I want to be better at staying minimal about outfits and clothes.

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New YouTube Video

I have a ton of goodies coming, but my most recent YouTube video is from last week:

Books I’m Loving

I am currently reading The ONE Thing and it is such a fascinating and motivating read. I highly recommend this if you are anything like me and you try to check off as much as you can in any given day. The premise of the book is that using less energy to do more is ruining your chances of success. You should focus your energy and motivation on the important things on your “success list”, which should have only one item on it. It goes into so much more detail, but it’s been a daily read for me!

Anything Else I have to tell you!

I mentioned in my Instagram stories earlier this week that I have news to share in this post. I have been pretty MIA on my social medias, and it is because I have had 10% energy left for my social medias, and I’ve been putting all of it into my YouTube since that is where most of my satisfaction comes from. The reason I’ve been so exhausted is because I have been put through an intense and grueling interview process for a new job for the past MONTH… and I accepted the job offer.

I will be going into more detail as to why I have been so exhausted interviewing (because I’m sure you’re thinking, what’s so exhausting about interviewing?!) and why all of my energy has been focused on this one decision in next week’s post. But the reason I am so excited for this position and why it is so life-changing is because it is 100% remote. More on that next week too, but I have more time in my day to call my friends in other cities and work on my blog, social media posts, and my YouTube channel.

I have so much to say about how to trust the universe and how I really think this was manifested. I am thinking of doing a YouTube video about all of that and how you can get what you want too. If you’re interested and have a question, DM me on my Instagram or leave a comment and I can address it in the video.

See ya next week! xoxo, jess